Cestovanie ako kultivácia planetarity

V októbri 2022 som cestoval do Fínska na rezidenčný pobyt Öres na ostrove Örö. Bratislava – Brno – Hamburg vlak. V Hamburgu prišiel vlak s meškaním. Google si myslí že ZOB Hamburg je na okrajoch mesta, ale nočný Flixbus, ktorý … Read More

Energia a mesto

Budapešť je pre mňa mestom lázní. Teda kúpeľov. Tureckých kúpeľov. Spa. Furdö. Určite nie langošov, ani gulášu, ani paprikášu, vína, či piva. Keď už jedlo, tak snáď pizza a Nostalgia krémeš s robusta presom a smotankou. Keď nie jedlo tak … Read More

Co-emerging Economies: Exploring radical perspectives on post-anthropocentric economies

Baltan Labarotories, Eindhoven (NL) has just released a publication radically rethinking the future of economies. I am excited and honoured to have my contribution released as a part of the publication. My contribution has to do with translating Value into … Read More

Robots, failure and artmaking – conversation with Niki Passath

In February and March this year I did a residency at Schaumbad Freies Atelierhaus in Graz, Austria. As a result of my exhibition I did a short presentation of the large scale DIY 3d printer I’ve been working on here … Read More

Brno artist in residence – video profile

This autumn and winter I was artis in residence in Brno AiR at Brno House of Arts. Here is a short video profile on what I was up to whit studio shots as well as some bad taste car driving … Read More

SAD Light Therapy – degrowth theatre intervention writeups

Brno’s HaDivadlo theme this year is Degrowth. To not grow infinitely, they began with a vow not to produce any new plays this season. Instead their focusing on deepening and exploiting already existing works. One way of following this train … Read More

Štipendista – snaha o lepšie FPU

Môj príspevok k diskusii o štipendiách FPU, nekonečnom raste, kvantifikácií a prekariáte. Text vyšiel v decembrovom Kapitáli. Na ich stránkach je možné článok ďalej diskutovať v komentároch, za čo by som bol skutočne rád. Nižšie predkladám pôvodný text Som umelec. … Read More

The value needs a new translation

What is valuable today? Depends. It might be something of a personal importance to you. It could be something you worked hard for, had to pay a lot for. Or it could be something that is perceived as valuable by … Read More

STELLA conference presentation : 3d printer as a performative agent

In 2020 and 2019 I took part in STELLA – Somatic Tech Live Lab. This research initiative aims to map and reflect current situation in fields of performing arts and technology and is looking specifically for their overlaps and connections. … Read More