SAD Light Therapy in Kunsthalle Bratislava

That time of a year. It’s dark and cold. At once. It’s dark when you wake up. It’s dark when you finish your work. And you don’t have much time to spend outside. Since the rise of delivery services, you … Read More

Refraction of Love

The fable of The Secret of The Mirror in Pistori Palace by Martina Ivičič. Once upon a time there was a man who was very afraid, unsure of himself, hated other people, spread hatred and did nothing but evil around … Read More


A mosquito bites a human. Ouch. But it also bites an animal, a reptile, an amphibian, a bird, even a fish. Humans are not exceptional in (op)position to the mosquito. Even mosquitoes are more intelligent than we would think. They … Read More

Cestovanie ako kultivácia planetarity

V októbri 2022 som cestoval do Fínska na rezidenčný pobyt Öres na ostrove Örö. Bratislava – Brno – Hamburg vlak. V Hamburgu prišiel vlak s meškaním. Google si myslí že ZOB Hamburg je na okrajoch mesta, ale nočný Flixbus, ktorý … Read More

Energia a mesto

Budapešť je pre mňa mestom lázní. Teda kúpeľov. Tureckých kúpeľov. Spa. Furdö. Určite nie langošov, ani gulášu, ani paprikášu, vína, či piva. Keď už jedlo, tak snáď pizza a Nostalgia krémeš s robusta presom a smotankou. Keď nie jedlo tak … Read More

Edge of Chaos

It is hypothesised that dynamic systems with feedback can experience an adaptation to the Edge of Chaos. This term is used to denote a transitional space between order and disorder, region of bounded instability that engenders constant dynamic interplay between … Read More

Monument of Posthumanism

The work is a result of a several years of exploring the non-human agency, potential and motivations. Involving machines, computational process and natural actants in my work has become part of my works’ signature. Here though, I wanted to give … Read More

Co-emerging Economies: Exploring radical perspectives on post-anthropocentric economies

Baltan Labarotories, Eindhoven (NL) has just released a publication radically rethinking the future of economies. I am excited and honoured to have my contribution released as a part of the publication. My contribution has to do with translating Value into … Read More

Robots, failure and artmaking – conversation with Niki Passath

In February and March this year I did a residency at Schaumbad Freies Atelierhaus in Graz, Austria. As a result of my exhibition I did a short presentation of the large scale DIY 3d printer I’ve been working on here … Read More