Residency at Office of Sound Katowice

I am super happy to be doing a residency at Biuro Dzwieku (Office of Sound) in Katowice, Poland. I’ll be building an immersive AV installation that I call Edge of Chaos. It utilises multichannel (thinking of 20 ins and outs) … Read More

RIXC conference text

Hi, my name is Michal Mitro and I’ll be presenting a video-essay on Energy Justice in Planetary Context. What you’re looking at are mostly shots from my off-grid garden where I live but also from my travels. Because I had … Read More

Interview for Brno Art Week

Friend and new media art curator Monika Szűcsová came to interview me in a garden of We talked about various things but mainly about my master thesis on Planetary Thermodynamics and Energy Justice. The interview is in Slovak.

Residency at iii

I’m happy to announce that I’ll be developing a performative 3d printer during my December residency at den Haag’s iii.I aim to construct machine that can freely move across given space only limited by the walls of the room. In … Read More

Urgent Need to Breath now in four channels

Our collaborative effort with Ziggurat project – dance performance Urgent Need to Breath – is now running in four audio channels and has revamped parts of sound design.Happy to be back! 🙂Pictures from Tabacka Kulturfabrik, Kosice as part of Art&Tech … Read More

New Translation

I am super happy to report I was part of group exhibition entitled New Translation. The exhibition took place in Kasarne Kulturfabrik, Kosice, Slovakia in November 2019.Curatorial as follows: “Communication is the basic activity of our body. The expression of … Read More

Somatic tech lab Workshop

As part STELLA research, we’re hosting a workshop. The workshop incorporates a common reflexion and a practical, creative process around the following questions: How can we integrate digital technologies in performing arts? What do we mean by reactivity or interactivity … Read More

STELLA – research on movement and technology in V4 region

STELLA stands for Somatic TEchnoLogy LAb.I am very pleased to announce that I, together with my coleague surusr, was invited to take part in a research framework focused on mapping state of affairs on the verge of movement and technology … Read More

Contact mics with real sound

Its been a while since I’ve been using contact microphones, but they never really performed very well. I knew there were ways of making simple piezo elements sound better but could never be bothered investing too much energy into it. … Read More

On my way to Paris, Baschet and JRM

This morning I woke up at 5 am (after long night solder of my brand new piezo preamps) jumped on the bus, caught a train, currently driving a bus and than changing 5 more trains to finally arrive to Paris … Read More