Planetary Thermodynamics Energy Justice at oiiooiio

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It was great fun and pleasure to take part in oiiooiio and present my work Planetary Thermodynamics : Energy Justice. I only came for last three days, but others were researching and sourcing from the environment for the whole two weeks. Here are some pictures of how the work transformed in the forrest of national park Saxon Switzerland.

“Outsideinsideinsideoutsideoutsideinsideinsideoutside – or oiiooiio for short – is an ‘artists-organised’ cluster, attempting to establish annual ‘encounter’ among lifeforms who are based in czech republic, germany, imaginary lands, or in between oceans and terrains: be it sculpture-crafter, image-creator, sound-maker, culture-practitioner, or social-dreamer, history-painter, memory-collector…or those who find themselves float in between or outside of the pre-made categories…this cluster wishes to be a liminal space for these forms of intelligence to create and experiment new cosmologies through the process of ‘world-ings’.
the ‘worldings’ are based on a 14-day ‘laboratory’ at torhaus gallery, stadt wehlen, part of the national park saxon switzerland in germany. the laboratory leads to a journey of exploring the ‘unknown’ and the ‘not-knowing’ of nature through both external and internal pathways. we believe that the ‘encounters’ throughout this journey enable us to envision speculative scenarios, and to invent novel embodiments among various lifeforms. this process encourages us to (re-)discover the ‘multiple natures’ within our ‘multiple selves’ — that is, to deconstruct, to merge, to transform, to interweave the ‘outside’ and the ‘inside’, and to eventually open up for the ‘multiples’ yet to come.”

Highly reccomended!