Residency at Office of Sound Katowice

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I am super happy to be doing a residency at Biuro Dzwieku (Office of Sound) in Katowice, Poland. I’ll be building an immersive AV installation that I call Edge of Chaos. It utilises multichannel (thinking of 20 ins and outs) feedback and software routing to simulate the momentum where the systems takes on its own dynamics. This is to propose a metaphor of contemporary rhyzomatic moment, where issues are so intertwined that in some manners, they formed hyperobjects with their own dynamics which inter-feed into other such hyperobjects. Individual actors and bodies can enter such environment (both symbolically speaking and actually in the context of installation) and enforce their impact on the system. Yet, the precise outcomes of such efforts are impossible to predict in full precision and may even turn out in quite a random fashion. Moreover, the system is capable of functioning just well without the stimulation from external bodies. I am curious to see how well shall this translate once the work is ready. This far, I’ve cracked opened full car trunk of discarded speakers I’ve collected over years and salvaged some parts of it. Next, I’ll be building some microphones and amplifiers. Stay tuned 🙂

“It is hypothesised that dynamic systems with feedback can experience an adap- tation to the edge of chaos. This term is used to denote a transition space be- tween order and disorder, region of bounded instability that engenders constant dynamic interplay between the opposing poles.This work aims at creating a frame- work for such phenomena to occur and for audience to enter this realm and add or subtract from it. Doing precisely that, it seeks to explore role of (sound)art in contemporary moment as we face possible global crisis, both ecological and socio-political. Proposed project aims to speculate on possible workings and dynamics of systems driving current planetary condition by presenting hard to control and comprehened intertwined feedback loops, that can nevertheless be effected by indivdual human actors.”(1)

(1)“Simple causal reasoning about a feedback system is difficult becauthe first system influences the second and second system influences the first, leading to a circular argument. This makes reasoning based upon cause and effect tricky, and it is necessary to analyze the system as a whole.” Schwartz, K. (2014). “On the Edge of Chaos: Where Creativity Flourishes”. KOED